Alexander Pope Funeral Home

Alexander Pope Funeral Home is located at 5401 Temple Hill Road, Temple Hills Maryland, 20748 Zip. Alexander Pope Funeral Home provides complete funeral services to Gloster local community and the surrounding areas. To find out more information about and local funeral services that they offer, give them a call at (301) 894-4400.

Alexander Pope Funeral Home

Business Name: Alexander Pope Funeral Home
Address: 5401 Temple Hill Road
City: Temple Hills
State: Maryland
ZIP: 20748
Phone number: (301) 894-4400
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Comfort a grieving friend or loved one with flowers.

Alexander Pope Funeral Home directions to 5401 Temple Hill Road in Temple Hills Maryland are shown on the google map above. Its geocodes are 38.8182, -76.9414. Call Alexander Pope Funeral Home for visitation hours, funeral viewing times and services provided.

Business Hours
Monday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Tuesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Wednesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Friday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Saturday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Sunday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Alexander Pope Funeral Home Obituaries

Market Hog Sale results

For the 2017 market hog sale summary, competitor’s names are followed by club organizations, then by buyers of the livestock and finally by price of the livestock per pound.1, Morgan Petro, Triangle, Ohio Valley Bank , $18.2, Mikayla Pope, Triangle, Dr. David K. Smith , Hampton Inn, and Super 8, $15.4, Logan Deel, Raccoon Valley Livestock Club, Feed Stop, LLC. Saunders Insurance, and Pleasant Valley Hospital, Cabell Huntington Hospital Marshall Health, $4. 6, Madison Petro, Triangle, Gallia County Republican Party , $4.7, Mikenzi Pope, Triangle, Holzer Health System ($4/lb) plus $100 from Spurlock’s Ag-Lime & Fertilizer, $4. 10, Brodie Fackler, Good Times, Green Tire & Exhaust , $5.11, Abby Vansickle, Triangle, M & G Polymers USA, LLC , $4.5. 12, Matthew Conkle, Good Times, Mike Conkle Cheshire Township Trustee, $4. 13, Grace Martin, Triangle, The Wiseman Agency, Inc , $4.14, Hunter Wright, Pairs & Spares, Farmers Bank & Savings Company , $4.16, Alex Tawney, Early Birds, Spring Valley Family Pharmacy , $3.19, Lillian Rees, Triangle, French Town Veterinary Clinic , $3.25. 21, Abbie Brabham, Good Times, Red’s Rollen Garage and Steve Evans Sausage, $6.25. 22, Peri Martin, Triangle, French Town Veterinary Clinic , $3.75. 23, Garett Jones, For His Glory, Stapleton Towing , $4. 24, Jaela Foster, Triangle, Wal-Mart #2605 , $2.75. 25, Darren Owens, Whiz Kids, Farmers Bank & Savings Company , $3.25.26, Derek Henry, Triangle, Dr. Glenn Fisher , $3. 27, Carson Mollohan, Raccoon Valley Livestock Club, GKN Sinter Metals , $4. 28, Skylar Jones, Kountry Kritters, Bodimer Brothers Show Pigs , $3.25. 30, Carlee Manley, Whiz Kids, Southern Cabinetry, Inc. , $4.5. 34, Lexi Taylor, Ridge Kids, Pierceton Trucking Co. Inc. , $4.5. 36, Clayton Wright, Pairs & Spares, TM Electric , $3.25. 37, Tristan Janey, Kountry Kritters, Bodimer Brothers Show Pigs ($2.50/lb) and Swancrest Farms ($1.50/lb), $4. 38, Brent Lucas, Pairs & Spares, Crisenbery Electric Jay & Donna Crisenbery, $3.5. 39, Payten Halley, Thivener Pioneers, Davi... (Gallipolis Daily Tribune)

Mary Ruth Scherer, Delafield, WI

Mary was born near DeKalb, TX, on May 22, 1926. The daughter of World War I veteran, Lewis Winfield Pope and Helen Gould Robertson Pope, she was one of eleven children. After a lively, loving childhood, she graduated from high school at the age of 16, and headed to college having skipped two grades. She worked at the Red River Army Depot in Texarkana, TX during World War II. She learned to fly in a Piper Cub and often mentioned that she was never hired as a pilot because she was female – but could never be a stewardess as she wasn’t tall enough. After World War II, Mary’s older sister Elai... (Janesville Gazette)

Show your sympathy and support during these difficult times with beautiful selection of funeral flowers delivered to Alexander Pope Funeral Home for viewing, visitation of burial service.

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